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날짜|20-11-26 11:10 작성자|통통이 조회|2,347회 댓글|2건관련링크
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메리트카지노님의 댓글
메리트카지노 작성일
Good one – leave some stones unturned. People get excited when they feel they’ve discovered something great or one-upped you (honestly). But personally, I’d hint that the stones are there Nothing wrong with a little clue to the treasure hunt.
메리트카지노님의 댓글
메리트카지노 작성일
Is there a point of too much? Yes. I visit blogs that have over 50 entries of “Great post! Yay!” and by number three, I’m bored and I’m gone.
I’d like to add that the way you are responding and even opening the ideas up more in the comments section, keeps the thread going and may provide more ideas for a reader. Sometimes a post gets a few responses and just dies, frequently because everybody just wants to get their 2¢ in and they aren’t really taking in the whole conversation.”